Dr. Ferenc Darvas
Chairman of the Board
Serial innovator and entrepreneur with technical background and decade long business experience. Founded several companies in life-sciences research and development, among others NanGenex, a leading company specialized to optimizing drug and agrochemical compounds by nanotechnology in 2006. Dr. Darvas pioneered in adapting microfluidics and flow technologies for producing nanoparticles in early 2000’s.
Dr. Darvas received his first degree in organic chemistry, another in computer science, and his PhD. in the use of artificial intelligence in drug design. Dr. Darvas’s third degree is in patent law. He was teaching at several universities in Budapest, Barcelona, Gainesville (FL), Innsbruck/Hall (Austria), presently serving as associate professor at the Florida International University in Miami. He is author of over 200 publications, co-editor of 25 books, inventor of over 100 patents, founder and Editorial Board member at the J. Flow Chemistry. Co-founder of the International QSAR Society, Society for Biomolecular Screening (SBS, today SLAS), Society for Flow Chemistry, where he is the Chairman.

Dr. Genoveva Filipcsei
She is a life science and biotech professional with 15+ years diverse experience in emerging and medium-sized life science, biotech, pharma and agro. Her key areas of expertise include advanced technology platform innovation, asset in-licensing, research and development, intellectual property management in pharma and agrochemical sectors. She holds MSC and PhD in Chemistry. She is author of over 50 publications, 5 book chapters, inventor of over 20 patents. She owns Polányi Price of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2009), Bolyai Plaquette of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2007) and Young Inventor of 2005, Hungary.

Szilvia Gilmore
Ms. Gilmore received her degree in economics, then went on to have a career in trade and industry. She has joined the Darholding company network in 2007 where she has held various positions. In 2011, she has obtained a degree in Intellectual Properties and advanced to the position of Chief Intellectual Property Officer. In 2015, she assumed the role of Chief Business Officer at AgroThetis, overseeing corporate and business development activities, strategic planning, budget development and control, participating in the development of strategic partnerships, joint ventures and alliances, as well as platform technology and intellectual licensing opportunities. Additionally, she serves as Chief Operating Officer at InnoStudio, Inc., and Assistant Director of the Flow Chemistry Society in Switzerland.

Dr. Richard Jones
Board Member
Dr. Richard Jones was the CEO of ThalesNano between 2012 and 2016. Before holding this position, he was responsible for product direction and user experience for the entire line of ThalesNano instruments. He was product manager of the R&D 100 Award winning H-Cube® before becoming Director of Product Management and subsequently Head of Global Sales. He was one of the founders of the spin-out of ThalesNano Energy/eChemicles. Currently, he is CEO of Chemaxon, a scientific software company, where he just finalised a 90 MUSD+ exit.

William P. Heilman
Board Member
Mr. Heilman holds a PhD. degree in Medicinal Chemistry from Ohio State University. He has fourty years of experience in drug discovery, technology assessment, and acquisition of pharmaceutical technology (FMC, American Cyanamid, Wyeth, Morphotek, Enamine). Assessed, planned and implemented strategies for acquisition of screening libraries, custom chemistry and screening technologies meeting corporate objectives. He held leader positions at Wyeth and FMC Corporation. Between 1998 and 2001, Mr. Heilman directed the Licensing & Technology Assessment operations at BASF. Bill then worked at Morphotek, Inc. from 2000 to 2002 as the Director of Business Development. Currently, he is a consultant to Enamine Ltd (custom chemistry and screening library sales); Bienta (high throughput drug discovery screening and ADME tox collaborations). He worked with AgroThetis from 2012 until 2020 and has recently re-joined Agrothetis as a Consultant Board member.

Dr. József Fail
Chief Scientific Adviser
Associate Professor, Institute of Plant Protection Department of Entomology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Dr. Fail’s area of expertise is Integrated Pest Management of insects and mites affecting vegetables and other horticultural crops; biological control; insect monitoring; plant resistance; ecology of Thysanoptera.
The general focus of our research program is to develop sustainable insect management strategies for vegetables and other horticultural crops, using a sound understanding of insect ecological principles. This broad focus allows us the opportunity to work simultaneously in basic and applied areas on a number of important arthropod pests. Our program works with presently available strategies and helps incorporate them into pest management programs, and develops new strategies for the future. Examples of projects include: understanding and modifying ecological
factors that influence the risk of infestation; incorporating biological control into insect
management strategies; studying mechanisms of host plant resistance and working with companies to develop resistant germplasm; developing improved insect monitoring strategies for IPM. The current special focus of our research program is the ecology of the onion thrips (Thrips tabaci LINDEMAN, 1889) species complex.

Dr. Attila Pavláth (1930-2024) In Memoriam
Past Board Member
Dr. Pavlath earned his diploma in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Budapest in 1952 and obtained his doctorate from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1955. In 2000, he was elected President of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society with 160,000 members. He was also elected to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2004.
With a distinguished career spanning 64 years across academic, government, and industrial research, Dr. Pavlath was internationally recognized for his pioneering contributions to agricultural, food, fluorine, alternative energy, and biodegradable polymer chemistry. In 1997, he was honored with the Pioneer of the Year Award by the American Institute of Chemists.
At the Western Regional Research Center, he led a research team of over 25 members from 1967 until his retirement in 2000. Even after retirement, he remained actively engaged in research as an Emeritus Research Scientist at the institute.
Dr. Pavlath also served as the U.S. Co-Secretary of the U.S.-Japan Agriculture and Food Panel for 20 years. He joined AgroThetis in 2015 as a Consultant Board Member, contributing his expertise until his passing in December 2024. His legacy of scientific excellence and mentorship will continue to inspire the community.